
Address:Shandong province Qingdao city Jiaozhou Beiguan Industrial Park, Shandong Road No. 36







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Three directions of transfer

The guiding ideology of architecture in the construction of enterprises, Walter who put forward the "transfer of three directions".

Basis: the enterprise in the past is to maximize the profit for the purpose, and now the enterprise is to maximize the user satisfaction for the purpose of.

Management direction shift:

From the linear functional organization structure to the business process reengineering (BPR) market chain transfer

- flat:

With the customer first as the center, the process of inter market as a flat rather than a linear function of the structure.

- Information technology:

With the customer first as the center, each process is a continuous process, the information flow of the market chain.

Shift in the direction of the market:

From the domestic single market to the domestic and foreign diversified market transfer

Product direction shift:

From a single thermal insulation products to all aspects of the steel pipe anti-corrosion insulation of cutting-edge technology transfer.

Through zero distance sales model, the basis of the formation of online sales. Using information technology to realize network management, network marketing, network service, network of procurement, Walter rise to lay a solid foundation.

R & D system

First, Huate company through domestic anticorrosion, heat preservation industry the latest layout information center, a comprehensive understanding of the various needs of users, and for the first time will be the requirements into research and development issues.

Secondly, through the integration of resources, the company will continue to give the best of the best products to the user, to meet the needs of the user's personality;

Furthermore, as a provider of high resource integrated technology services, to enhance the company Walter products added value and reduce the cost of R & D, for consumers to bring more convenient and affordable.


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